People working out at Pilates Plus LA (PPLA) in Los Angeles, California.


Mary Vassallo


Mary is a dynamic and multi-talented professional with a passion for fitness, nursing, and energy healing. With a background in TV production, Mary brings her creativity and attention to detail to every endeavor.

In 2016, Mary embarked on her Lagree fitness journey, discovering a transformative workout method that resonated with her energetic personality and love for challenging workouts. Her dedication to fitness was exemplified during her pregnancy when she continued practicing Lagree until the day she gave birth. In fact, Mary completed a Lagree class just four hours before delivery, showcasing her unwavering commitment and determination.

With a Bachelor's degree in TV production and a nursing qualification acquired during the COVID-19 pandemic, Mary possesses a unique combination of skills and knowledge. She has a deep understanding of human anatomy and physiology, allowing her to create safe and effective workouts that cater to clients of all fitness levels. Mary skillfully combines her nursing expertise with her Lagree coaching abilities, resulting in workouts that are not only challenging and fun but also prioritize the well-being and safety of her clients.

Beyond her educational background and fitness journey, Mary is known for her energetic personality and infectious enthusiasm. She brings a vibrant and positive energy to every interaction, motivating and inspiring others to push their limits and achieve their goals. Clients are drawn to Mary’s charismatic and encouraging coaching style, making their fitness sessions enjoyable and empowering experiences.

In addition to her fitness and nursing pursuits, Mary is a certified Reiki Level 2 practitioner. She harnesses the power of energy healing to promote balance, relaxation, and overall well-being. This holistic approach complements her fitness coaching, providing a comprehensive and integrated approach to physical, mental, and emotional wellness.

With an unwavering dedication to her craft, a diverse skill set, and a magnetic personality, Mary is committed to empowering individuals to live their best lives. Her ability to combine her nursing knowledge, Lagree expertise, and energetic personality sets her  apart, creating a truly unique and transformative fitness experience for her clients.


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